Jezikovni tečaji
Za vse, ki bi se radi naučili nemško ali osvežili svoje znanje, organiziramo na Filozofski fakulteti tudi tečaje nemščine. Izbirate lahko med začetno, nadaljevalno in izpopolnjevalno skupino.
Filozofska fakulteta organizira tudi tečaje nizozemščine in švedščine, pri dovolj prijavljenih pa tudi tečaje norveščine in finščine.
Za vse dodatne informacije se obrnite na Center za pedagoško izobraževanje Filozofske fakultete.
Izpiti iz tujih jezikov
Znate nemško, vendar nimate dokazila?
Nič hudega, na Filozofski fakulteti imate možnost opravljati izpit iz nemščine. Vse dodatne informacije o pripravi, prijavi in opravljanju izpita dobite tukaj.
German 1 INT
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer: as. dr. Andreja Bole Maia
Basic vocabulary: personal information, personal description, type of study, interests, family, residency, places and travel. Hour, numbers, days of the week, seasons, diet.
-Linguistic structures: present and future tense, perfect tense, adverbs of time, conjugations, nouns, articles, adjectives, pronouns, negations, declarative, imperative and interrogative sentences.
-Reading and listening comprehension of rearranged and authentic texts.
-Reading comprehension of simple professional texts.
-Oral and written expression: performing simple oral and written texts in present and past tense.
-Familiarisation with Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland: geography, history, cuisine, the country and towns, habits and customs.
-Development od intercultural competences and connecting them to chosen perspectives od Slovene history and modernity connected to German-speaking countries.
The subject is intended for beginners and students with A1 level of German language.
German 2 INT
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer: as. dr. Andreja Bole Maia
The subject is intended for students with previous basic knowledge of German language wanting to improve their skills in written and spoken German. A mixture of vocabulary training and adequate linguistic structures (local, modal and temporal prepositions, modal verbs, verbal bracket, dative verbs, basic conjunctions etc.) should allow students to interact in everyday situations, to read and exchange basic information on different topics (jobs and professions, health, geography, costumer service, clothing and celebrations etc.). Due to the immersion in the German language and the culture(s) of four countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein) students will refine their intercultural competence.