Oddelek za zgodovino
Okoljska zgodovina – zaposlitve za doktorand(k)e in podoktorske raziskovalk(c)e
Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni,
1. dr. Viktor Pal bo v sklopu projekta REFRESH - Research Excellence For REgion Sustainability and High-tech Industries reg. no. CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000048
Prijavni rok je 25. januar!
Razpisa: https://euraxess.ec.
2. razpis za dve doktorandki/doktoranda na Dunajskem Inštitutu za socialno ekologijo (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), na projektu “INFEST - Industrialization of Austrian Forests 1766 - 1914". »The project INFEST investigates the industrialization of Austrian forests during 1766-1914. The project traces changes in cultural programs, social practices and biogeochemical fluxes of forest use during the industrialization of Austrian forests. The PhD positions will be co-supervised by Simone Gingrich and Martin Schmid, and will collaborate closely with a Post-Doc researcher."
Več podatkov: https://boku.ac.at/fileadmin/data/H01000/mitteilungsblatt-jobs/2023/KZ247_oD_DMe.pdf
Prijavni rok: 31. januar 2024.