Oddelek za zgodovino

Kratek mednarodno intenzivni program medkulturne komunikacije in diplomacije v Katovicah

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni,

Prejeli smo spodnje sporočilo, ki vključuje povezavo na stran z nadaljnjimi informacijami. 

University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland is organizing INTERCOM – Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy Programme.  

The aim of the programme is to bring together students from EU and non-EU countries and to provide them with a broad introduction to intercultural communication and diplomacy, as well as familiarize with Polish culture.  

The Programme is free of charge and will be conducted in a blended formula (online + a study visit). All the participants will be granted a scholarship of 5000PLN (approximately 1100Euros).  

For more information, please visit the website of the programme: https://us.edu.pl/wydzial/wh/en/english-intercom/  

Please, disseminate the information about the programme among your BA and MA students, as well as PhD candidates.  

The Programme is a great chance to master key-concepts and gain practical know-how on intercultural communication, diplomacy, and international affairs.


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