Geoinformatics III
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): asist. Bobovnik Nejc, prof. dr. Krevs Marko, prof. dr. Oštir Krištof
-introduction to GIS-based modelling of landscape and automation of processes and workflows with geographic information software,
-basic principles and building blocks of GIS-based models and their automation (workspace environments, data types, tools, preconditions, operators, iterators, model parameters, batch execution of geoinformation models),
-online publication of interactive GIS-based models,
-getting to know the web pages with examples and help for independent work,
-use of geoinformation and other libraries to solve simple GIS-based tasks involving data search and compilation, simple statistical or geoinformation data analysis, graphical statistical or cartographic display of data,
-the creation and use of GIS-based landscape models using geoinformation software and the automation of geo-information modelling processes,
-independent project: problem-based learning in the form of applying acquired knowledge and skills to solve a selected simple problem from geographical practice.
-Allen, G. D. W., 2022. GIS Automation with ModelBuilder: For ArcGIS Pro. GIS Guidebooks Publishing.
-Allen, G. D. W., 2019. GIS Guidebook: Designing and Building Tasks: for ArcGIS Pro. GIS Guidebooks Publishing.
-Islam, S. and Miles, S. and Pirelli, L., 2019. Mastering Geospatial Development with QGIS 3.x. Packt Publishing.
-Tenkanen, H., Heikinheimo, V., Whipp, D., 2022. Introduction to Python for Geographic Data Analysis. Spletna različica knjige https://pythongis.org/.
-Other current literature available in the e-classroom.