Introduction to Psychology
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kobal Grum Darja
Subject, objectives and structure of psychology:
Definition of psychology. Conceptions of the subject of psychology. Integrative concept of the subject of psychology. Psychology within the system of science. Scientific method. Hypotheses, models, theories. Scientific laws. Psychological disciplines.
History and orientations of psychology:
Evolution of psychology.
First orientations in psychology: fathers of psychology- Wundt, James, Pavlov, Freud; structuralism - Wundt, Titchener; Würzburg school; functionalism - James, Hall, Chicago school.
Orientations of the second and third generation: Psychoanalysis - Freud, Adler, Jung; neopsychoanalysis; Gestalt psychology - Wertheimer, Köhler, Koffka, Lewin; behaviorism - Thorndike, Watson, Hull, Tolman, Skinner, Guthrie; neobehaviorism; sociobehaviorism; humanistic psychology and logotherapy - Maslow, Rogers; Frankl; cognitive psychology; cognitivization of psychology; cognitive science. Development of applied and differential psychology. Psychology in Slovenia.
Fields of research in psychology:
Cognitive processes. Motivation and emotion. Personality and individual differences. Abilities. Self. Psychological development. Social behaviour. Psychological health, stress and psychotherapy.
Recent trends: Behavioural-social-cognitive paradigm, bio-evolutionary paradigm, positive psychology.
Methods of psychology: Collecting information. Assessment, measurement, research, interpretation, application.
The process of research: problem, hypothesis formulation, hypothesis testing, interpretation of results (integration into theory). Brief review of main assessment and research methods. Introduction to APA standards.
Ethical issues in psychology:
Ethical dilemmas, professional codes of ethics of psychologists, ethical standards of psychological work and research, ethics in psychology and law regulations.
Kobal Grum, D. (2021). Vem, hočem, čutim: kognitivno-motivacijski vidiki čustev. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. (str. 121-135) COBISS.SI-ID – 66306563 https://ebooks.uni-lj.si/zalozbaul//catalog/book/299
Kobal Grum, D. (2017). Samopodoba v diferencialni psihologiji. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. (str. 20-49). COBISS.SI-ID - 290619136
Kobal Grum, D., Musek, J. (2009). Perspektive motivacije. Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. (str. 247-253; 260-273) COBISS.SI-ID - 248021248
Musek, J. (2003). Zgodovina psihologije. Filozofska fakulteta UL. (str.1-11; 47-281). COBISS.SI-ID - 121750528
Musek, J. (2005). Predmet, metode in področja psihologije. Filozofska fakulteta. (str. 1-9; 24-177; 182-217). COBISS.SI-ID - 222136064
Feist, G. in and Rosenberg, E. (2022)."Psychology: Perspectives and connections, 5th Edition Faculty Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity (2022).