Italian society, culture and literature III
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Grošelj Robert, doc. dr. Paolucci Sandro
The course is divided into two units:
a) Italian society and culture 3
b) Italian literature 3
Italian society and culture 3:
The Italian political system and the most important organs of the democratic republic, the most important political parties; the legal system in theory and practise, the school system and the changes made in the last few years; healthcare and social security; economy and development.
Italian literature 3:
An overview of the literary currents on the passage to the 20th century: Avant-garde, Decadence, the Crepuscolari, hermetic poetry and other movements of the first decades; Italian theatre in the 20th century; Pirandello; the development of the modern Italian novel; Svevo; fascist, antifascist and war literature; literature in the period after the wars; the most important contemporary poets and prose writers.
Romano, R. (1994) Paese Italia. Venti secoli di identita. Roma: Donzelli. COBISS.SI-ID - 63333635
Balboni, P. E. e Cardona, M.(2005) Storia e Testi di Letteratura Italiana per Stranieri. Nuova edizione riveduta e corretta. Perugia: Guerra. COBISS.SI-ID – 32868706
Petronio, G. (1970). L’attivita letteraria in Italia. Palermo: Palumbo. COBISS.SI-ID - 15561058
For their home reading students have to select at least 7 works from the reading list provided by the lecturer.