Slovene lexicon and grammar
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 45
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 45
ECTS credit: 9
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Grgič Matejka, doc. dr. Popič Damjan, prof. dr. Gorjanc Vojko
(a) language components, language components and their meaning, specific characteristics of language units in Slovene (especially from word/lexeme to word phrase and clause); (b) grammar, meaning and communication (morphology, syntax); (c) lexicon and grammar, grammar and text.
The awareness of the wholeness of the functional side of language will connect questions concerning the joint functioning of grammar and the lexicon. The lectures will cover – in correspondence with the increasing complexity of language units – morphology (parts of speech), word phrases, intersentential and suprasentential syntax. This approach especially makes sense from the viewpoint of translation processes because it facilitates the identification of translation units.
• P. Gantar, 2015: Leksikografski opis slovenšcine v digitalnem okolju. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF, str. 116–122, 252–281, 307–371. COBISS.SI-ID - 282009600
• V. Gorjanc, 1998: Konektorji v slovnicnem opisu znanstvenega besedila. Slavisticna revija 46/4, str. 367-388. COBISS.SI-ID - 9281378
• R. Grošelj, 2015: Besedne vrste v slovenskem jeziku. V: V. Gorjanc idr. (ur.). Slovar sodobne slovenšcine – problemi in rešitve. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba FF, str. 498–513. COBISS.SI-ID - 58761314
• J. Toporišic, 2000: Slovenska slovnica. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, 235–462, 469–687. COBISS.SI-ID - 44990977
Resources online:
• Adam Kilgariff: Word sketches
• FrameNet
• WordNet