Music Theory 1B
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 7
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Bogunović Hočevar Katarina, doc. dr. Sukljan Nejc, prof. Vrhunc Larisa
Through an analysis of selected musical works, the lectures consist of:
• analysing the connections and co-dependence of musical components and formal structure;
• learning about different compositional approaches and styles in the period up to around 1900;
• learning about the main form related topics:
o formal elements,
o polyphonic forms.
Seminary is dedicated to ear training. Main topics are:
• Rhythm and metre, simple rhythms.
• Pitches (major in minor scales, leading-tone, intervals in a melodic and harmonic context, lower voice, chromatic scale, sequences, pentatonic scale, other scale types).
• Textures with multiple voices (types of textures, cadences, modulations).
• Recognising style characteristic, forms and other musical parameters in works from various periods by ear.
The tutorial is divided in two sections:
1. Refreshing and deepening the knowledge about music theory disciplines (harmony, form) and elements based on actual examples. It covers the following main topics:
• basic music theory;
• four-voice harmony;
• introduction to scales;
• harmony in the period of vocal polyphony in 15th and 16th century;
• functional harmony of the 18th century;
• harmonically foreign tones;
• cadence;
• sequence;
• expansion of the field of cadence with side branches;
• turn towards classicism.
2. Organology and orchestration:
• Basic groups of instruments: string (bowed and plucked), wind, brass, percussion, keyboard. 14 hours of this section are field work.
• Orchestration: chamber ensembles with strings, chamber ensembles with wind instruments, chamber ensembles with brass instruments, symphony and some other orchestras of different periods.
L. Vrhunc, Glasbeni stavek: Oblikoslovje, Ljubljana 2009, 22010, 32011, 42016. COBISS.SI-ID - 286379008
D. de la Motte, Nauk o harmoniji, Ljubljana 2003. COBISS.SI-ID - 124977152
D. Despić, Harmonska analiza, Beograd 1970. COBISS.SI-ID - 1925890
S. Adler, The study of orchestration, New York 2002. COBISS.SI-ID - 631431
L. M. Škerjanc, Nauk o instrumentih, Ljubljana 1964. COBISS.SI-ID - 3687169
C. Lawson (ur.). The Cambridge companion to the orchestra, Cambridge, 2003. COBISS.SI-ID - 52231169
A. Carse, The history of orchestration, New York, 1964. COBISS.SI-ID - 19295488
U. Kaiser, Gehörbildung: Satzlehre, Improvisation, Höranalyse: ein Lehrgang mit historischen Beispielen, Kassel 1998. COBISS.SI-ID - 79229952