Ethnology of Slovenia
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Zavratnik Veronika, izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja
Lectures present contemporary situation of the ethnic and national minorities in Slovenia and Slovenes as minorities living abroad. Contemporary situation is explained with an insight into selected historical chapters (medieval agrarian colonization and Christianization). Ethnicity as a process and the importance of collective identifications are explained as well. By putting it into historical and social context lectures also present the research of ethnogenesis and its contemporary (mis)usage.
Lectures schematically introduce the students also with a historical overview of various economic activities of the predominantly peasant population of Slovenia (agriculture, livestock breeding, gathering, hunting, fruit growing, viticulture, etc.), with handicrafts, trade, transport, cultures of food and clothing, and highlight the social distinctions related to those activities. Historical material is put in the context of various methods of ethnological and cultural anthropological research and interpretation of material culture, with the special attention on the ethnology and cultural anthropology in Slovenia. Symbolic aspects of culture, its branding and consumption are emphasized while contemporary commodification of culture is presented and contextualized as well.
At practicum students learn about various sources and methods of ethnological and cultural anthropological research related to the development of selected areas of the Slovenian cultural space. Field visits and individual field work research are included, while the prevalent perspective is on the diversity of the population of the selected area and analysis of the local power relations.
1. Damir Josipovič, Avtohtonost, etničnost, narodnost in definicija narodne manjšine. V: Vera Kržišnik-Bukić in Damir Josipovič, ur., Zgodovinski, politološki, pravni in kulturološki okvir za definicijo narodne manjšine v Republiki Sloveniji. Ljubljana 2014: Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, str. 9−34. [COBISS.SI-ID - 274476800]
2. Dejan Valentinčič, Pravice narodnih manjšin: Primerjalni ustavnopravni, mednarodnopravni in državoznanstveni pogled. V: Vera Kržišnik-Bukić, ur., Kdo so narodne manjšine v Sloveniji: zbornik skupine avtorjev. Ljubljana 2014: Zveza zvez kulturnih društev narodov in narodnosti nekdanje SFRJ v Sloveniji, str. 129–150. [COBISS.SI-ID - 276424960]
3. Christian Promitzer, Small Is Beautiful: The Issue of Hidden Minorities in Central Europe and the Balkans. V: Christian Promitzer, Klaus-Jürgen Hermanik in Eduard Staudinger, ur., (Hidden) Minorities: Language and Ethnic Identity between Central Europe and the Balkans. Wien in Berlin 2009: Lit, cop., str. 75–106. [COBISS.SI-ID - 11501901]
4. Peter Štih, Kolonizacija in migracije v slovenskih deželah v visokem in poznem srednjem veku. V: Verfestigung und Änderung der ethnischen Strukturen im pannonischen Raum im Spätmittelalter. Eisenstadt 1996: Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung, Abteilung XII/2 Landesarchiv-Landesbibliothek, str. 195212. [COBISS.SI-ID - 10779746]
5. Peter Štih, Avtohtonistične in podobne teorije pri Slovencih in na Slovenskem. V: Andreas Moritsch, ur., Karantanien – Ostarrichi: 1001 Mythos. Unbegrenzte Geschichte. Historische Reihe der Abteilung für Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas an der Universität Klagenfurt und des Bildungsheimes Sodalitas in Tainach/Tinje. Zgodovinska serija Oddelka za zgodovino vzhodne in jugovzhodne Evrope na Univerzi v Celovcu in Doma prosvete v Tinjah/Tainach. Klagenfurt = Celovec, Ljubljana, Wien 1997: Mohorjeva, str. 2549. [COBISS.SI-ID - 74964]
6. Vilko Novak, Struktura slovenske ljudske kulture. V: Vilko Novak, Slovenska ljudska kultura. Ljubljana 1960, str. 11–21. [COBISS.SI-ID - 2330113]
7. Rajko Ložar, Pridobivanje hrane in gospodarstvo. Ljudska hrana. V: Rajko Ložar, ur., Narodopisje Slovencev 1. Ljubljana 1944: Klas, str. 98−216. [COBISS.SI-ID - 30986497]
8. Vilko Novak, Domača delavnost in ljudska obrt. Ljudska trgovina. Ljudski promet. V: Vilko Novak, Slovenska ljudska kultura. Ljubljana 1960: DZS, str. 76−107. [COBISS.SI-ID - 2330113]
9. Inja Smerdel, Prelomna in druga bistvena gospodarska dogajanja v zgodovini agrarnih panog v 19. stoletju na Slovenskem. Slovenski etnograf let. 33/34, 1988/90, str. 2560. [COBISS.SI-ID - 36321024]; URN:NBN:SI:doc-BCPNLL4O
10. Janja Žagar in Bojan Knific, Med oblačenjem in kostumiranjem: Terminološki orehi ali: kaj je kaj? Glasnik SED let. 62, št. 2, 2022, str. 105−111. [COBISS.SI-ID - 148083971]; URN:NBN:SI:doc-9RXMATNH
11. Maja Godina Golija, Zgodovina raziskovanja materialne kulture na Slovenskem. V: Maja Godina Golija, Vanja Huzjan in Špela Ledinek Lozej, ur., Govorica predmetov. Ljubljana 2021: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, str. 28−59. [COBISS.SI-ID - 54814211]; URN:NBN:SI:DOC-R1WZMRKM
12. Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, The Politics of Origins: Collective Creation Revisited. Journal of American Folklore let. 117, št. 465, 2004, str. 300−315. [COBISS.SI-ID - 518409497]; https://www.jstor.org/stable/4137743